"Creative, Affective and Affordable"

Dan Lang
DLS media was founded in 2014, and has worked with over 200 clients during this time. We help businesses and individuals in multimedia creation, application, and marketing. Websites, videography, social media management, photography, live music, recording, and more.
Video Production
Business I Social I Entertainment I Marketing
Use video in every application for
reaching your audiences.
Websites, social media, entertainment, marketing... and more.

and Video Reel Application
Advertise, inform and market your business, band or event. Create and drive people to your website through use of video, music, social media, and design.
Social Media
Exposure through Consistency
Content creation for social media. Applications in daily and weekly posts Video reels, advertising, event promotions and more.

Standout and be noticed
Logos, posters, banners, album art, and more. Online and Print media for all uses and applications.
Pro Audio &
Live Music
Solo Artists I Bands I Recording I Distribution
Market your music professionally with pro audio recording, live and in studio. Captured, edited, and synced with live footage. Used to promote your music as a solo artist, ensemble, or band.